Added ntfs-3g which is a much more stable ntfs r/w driver than ntfsmount with less dependencies. Therefore removed ntfsmount along with the now unneeded fuse userspace tools.
Added dd_rescue a nice tool which gives You the opportunity to recover files or disk images which dd cannot read continnously.
- FreeDOS + linld でブート
- FreeDOS起動ディスク
- vmlinuz
- initrd.img
- rescuefd.zipを展開
- rescue-0.9.1.zipを展開
- rescuefd.imgからFreeDOS起動ディスク作成(1枚目)
- rescue-0.9.1.zip内の下記ファイルを(上書)コピー
- choice.exe
- start.bat
- welcome.txt
- autoexec.batを削除してstart.batをautoexec.batにリネーム
- vmlinuzを2枚目にそのままコピー
- initrd.img3枚目にそのままコピー
- autoexec.batをちょこっと編集
@echo off type welcome.txt choice /C:123456X boot: IF ERRORLEVEL=7 GOTO Ende IF ERRORLEVEL=6 GOTO 6 IF ERRORLEVEL=5 GOTO 5 IF ERRORLEVEL=4 GOTO 4 IF ERRORLEVEL=3 GOTO 3 IF ERRORLEVEL=2 GOTO 2 IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO 1 :1 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img GOTO Ende :2 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img vga=769 GOTO Ende :3 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img vga=771 GOTO Ende :4 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img vga=773 GOTO Ende :5 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img vga=775 GOTO Ende :6 linld image=B:\vmlinuz initrd=A:\initrd.img vga=normal "cl=apm=off" GOTO Ende :Ende