Palm84 某所の日記


SYSLINUX 5.10, 6.00

ちょこちょこと変更あった模様です。でも 5.01 と置き換えて動作を確認したところ、いまいちな感じなので様子見。


Changes in 5.10 
 PXELINUX: An entirely new network implementation based on the lwIP embedded TCP/IP stack. As a result, plain PXELINUX can now support HTTP and FTP without gPXE/iPXE. ls/readdir functionality is supported over HTTP with an indexing webserver, or over FTP with most common FTP servers. For the new network stack use lpxelinux.0. For the legacy stack use pxelinux.0. 

 Rename the "ipappend" option to "sysappend" ("ipappend" is still accepted as an alias) and make it available for all derivatives. Add additional strings derived from the system DMI/SMBIOS information if available. 
 "sysappend" strings are also sent as http cookies, with the prefix _Syslinux_ added, on all http transfers. This can be overridden with the SENDCOOKIES configuration file command. 

 poweroff.c32: A new module to power off a system via APM. It replaces the poweroff COMBOOT module (Sebastian Herbszt). 

 PXELINUX: Fix booting with DHCP options 209 and 210 which was broken in 5.00. 

 Handle loading kernel images with no protected mode code. A legitimate kernel image can consist solely of real-mode code. The support for booting such images was broken in 5.00 (Josh Triplett). 

 Fix a regression in the .psf font file loader introduced in 5.00.

よくわかりませんが、PXE関連で新しい環境では lpxelinux.0 を使うべしみたいな?

poweroff.c32 (\com32\modules\poweroff.c32) はなくなりましたが poweroff.c32 が新たに誕生!

 poweroff.c32: A new module to power off a system via APM. It replaces the poweroff COMBOOT module (Sebastian Herbszt). 



Changes in 6.00 
 Add support for booting from EFI. 
 EFI TCP/IP support. This allows the EFI backend to hook into the generic TFTP, HTTP and FTP functionality.

EFI 対応ってことで。従来のファイルは bios ディレクトリ以下になってます。
